State Institution
"Department of Education in the Eskeldi district
Department of Education of Zhetisu region"
Home / Open organization / Anti-corruption

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Republic of Kazakhstan
Kassym-Jomart K. Tokayev
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Isabaev Beibit Oksikbaevich
Akim of Zhetysu region
Suleimenov Marat Bekbosynovich
Head of the Department of Education of the Zhetisu region
Bekturov Murat Mukhtarovich
Head of the Department of Education in the Eskeldi district
8 (72836) 3-12-00
Zhetisu region, Eskeldi village, st.Orazbekov, 31
© 2024 State Institution "Department of Education in the Eskeldi district Department of Education of Zhetisu region"